
Mailing list

The mailing list is primarily meant for patch submission and reviewing, as well as announcements and technical discussions on mainline development:

Please read the Mailing list etiquette document if it is the first time you send an email to a Linux kernel mailing list.

For general questions, please use the Zulip chat instead.

Zulip chat

For chat, we use Zulip.

Please feel free to use it for general questions, discussion, help, feedback, etc.

Open Meeting

Everybody is welcome to join our Open Meeting.

It takes place once every kernel cycle, the first Wednesday after -rc1 is tagged, at 20:00 CET or CEST (i.e. CET at "summer time").

GitHub issue tracker

GitHub is used for issue reporting, tracking and discussion.

Please do not report security bugs in the GitHub issue tracker. Instead, please read the Security bugs page in the kernel documentation.


For other matters, please feel free to contact the maintainers via email.